I lined up with the singlespeed group still unsure of how this CX racing works. It's intimidating not having much experience. This race had a section of paved climbing that the first race didn't have. I knew this would be the spot I could try to make up some time. The legs felt good. I didn't go out too hard and blow up. I have no idea how many laps we did. It's still a blur but I was able to take advantage of a last lap burst to pull out a 3rd place finish. (If Brad didn't have his mechanical, I would have dropped a spot).
I ran a 39x16 which seemed to be a good choice for the paved climb but it was a little too steep in the single track sections.
(photo credit- Joe Sepulveda)

It felt great to race so close to home. I heard some friendly cheers from the crowds and both Brad and Seth saved my bacon with a hand up of some water mid race. I was really thirsty from the effort and it didn't help that I had decided to take my water bottle cage off just before the race. Turns out, 50 min at race pace makes your mouth really dry.
I'm officially addicted to the CX races. Something about it. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the new sensation of riding skinny tires on dirt. Or the challenge of the barriers and run ups. Maybe it's the casual setting that makes me want to hang out, watch the other racers and chat. I'm not sure but I really like it.
Rick, great job today man, you looked strong!
Nice work putting the hurt on the rest of us SS'ers! Should have worn my fly socks...they might have helped!
That shit hurts. Way to race, you were flying out there and only seconds off of 2nd place.
So now I need to redeem myself in 2 classes. I am stupid.
Nice work.
Way to ride strong! I don't think you can say you are "new to CX" anymore!
Great work! No success on the SeattleCX circuit for me today. Not DFL, but close - at least i didn't wreck this week.
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