clicky make biggy

After today's early morning ride up the Alpine Loop and then into work, a few of us borrowed a car from a friend at the office and hit the local McDonalds for some post ride recovery food.
It was here that Jon introduced me to the Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGriddle.
How they get the syrup in the muffin is beyond me. Probably best that I don't know but there is syrup in that muffin top.
Combine it with the killer McDonalds Diet Coke mix and it's a slice of heaven.
that would go great with my muffin top.
Oh the did we ever recover without you? A little slice of heaven!Old Micky D had figured out how to pack every one of those 590 calories with flavor.
The McGriddle idea never appealed to me until my friend had me try one a few years back - dang, that's good! Fortunately I don't think about them much or I'd be eating a lot of them.
For post MTB rides I go with Kenny's secret - chocolate milk.
Rick, check my blog - I think you'll be interested in my latest post.
Did I just eat that or rub it all over my face?...
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