Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Look what came in the mail
Monday, December 29, 2008
Squaw Peak Hill Climb 2009

Kenny organizes at least two group rides per year. One on New Years Day and the other in early Spring (RAWROD) . I try not to miss either of them. The New Years Day ride is the Squaw Peak Hill Climb. A grunt of a climb up a steep, snow packed paved road. I think it's about a 5 mile climb. I'm not exactly sure (I never ride with a bike computer). Depening on the snow conditions it can be a brutal climb.

Friday, December 26, 2008
Back in 88, I used to....

Friday, December 19, 2008
Long Sleeve Version
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Last year, one of the sales guys on our team (who has a very hairy back), received a back hair shaver. The shaver came with a pack of batteries which meant that he was forced to demo it in front of the team. And when I say forced, I mean forced. The entire room chanting, money being collected, his VP shutting down the party until he agreed to take his shirt off and fire up the shaver. No way to avoid it. Nasty.
I can only imagine that over the course of the last 12 months, he thought about what he could do to get back at us. Kind of like in that scene in "Stand By Me" when Lard Ass makes himself throw up at the pie eating contest to get his revenge at the town.
Well, today he got his revenge.
Behold....the back hair sandwich. Yep. That's what this is. Two slices of white bread with a solid inch of back hair in the middle. With a gift card thrown in.
The dude actually shaved his back hair, made a sandwich out of it, placed a gift card in the baggie, and wrapped the somabitch up as a gift.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
1) The best laugh
2) The bluest eyes
3) Looks so good in just a pony tail
4) Is an amazing Mom to our 3 children
5) Can climb like a mountian goat on her bike and skis
6) Can hold her Diet Coke
7) Is my GPS inside malls & parking garages
8) Doesn't kick me out of bed when I'm covered in dirt from a night ride
9) She supports my bike habit
10) Keeps me on the straight and narrow
11) She likes to sleep as much as I do (in bed by 9:30 most nights)
12) She is willing to stay home and raise our kids
13) Is super sexy
14) Is my best friend
Thanks for all the good times Shelle!
Friday, December 12, 2008
December 10th
(Photo taken by Brad)
My office is 10 minutes away. This is what keeps me going when the stress of end of QTR kicks in.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Lunch Ride - Orem
If you are like me and refuse to hang up the bike just yet, come join us.
Bring something nice to wear.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Update on Jerseys
More Skiing, Less Biking
Friday, December 5, 2008
Crack Cocaine On Ice In the Dark
On one side of me is Jon. He is sitting in his car, helmet on, ready to ride. On the other side of me is Kenny, Racer and Chucky. They came up from the UC to ride the new Crack Cocaine trail(Suncrest downhill).
Despite the snow/rain from earlier that morning, we are banking on the trails being frozen and rideable.
Tony rides up and stops next to my window. Time to go. As we make our way out of the cars, Brandon and Aaron roll up bringing the group total to 8.
Tony takes one look at Racer's bike and says something like "Dude, does he even have a cog on that thing? It looks like his chain just wraps around the hub". Racer is running an 18 on the back.
The pace up Clark's is brutal. Somehow we make the mistake of letting Chucky lead. Even going half speed, Chucky is fast. I'm starting to see stars. Just when I'm about to peel off and drop back, I notice we are already at the U-Turn. I don't even recall riding half the trail.
At the top Chucky says "that's what happens when you drill it like that. It's like being on drugs."
We make our way around Suncrest, past Sam's back yard. (Sam has cut a trail from the single track up to his backyard.) I would later find out that Sam was watching us from his window, kicking himself for not joining us on the ride.
We arrive at the downhill in good shape. No mud and no mechanicals. Those of us who have ridden it before have a big smile on our faces. We know what's ahead of us. We are about to experience that high that only mountain biking brings.
Riding Crack Cocaine at night, on frozen dirt is a trip. I highly recommend it.
We would finish the night with breakfast at the Village Inn. It's always fun to swap stories and laugh over pancakes and eggs.
And yes.....I went to bed "dirty". Too tired for a shower. Maybe I'll buy Rachelle some clean sheets for Christmas.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Attention All Sheep

Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Crack Cocaine
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
When I got there. I saw Dug sitting on a table donating.
I signed in, and was handed a questionnaire to complete. The questions quickly got into the specifics such as:
- Have you ever spent more than 3 months in Tobago or Curacao?
- Did you receive injections of human growth hormone for short stature or human pituitary hormones for infertility between 1968 and 1999?
- Is it possible that any member of your family has suffered from any form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
And then a bunch of questions about sexual activity etc..
After completing the form, I was asked to sit and wait for 30 minutes.
I was then pulled back into a room to get my finger pricked and some testing before the actual donation.
The first thing I was asked after being pulled into this room was :
- "Have you recently had a Cold?"
- "Yep" I replied.
- "How many days since your last cold symptom?".
- "Well, I still have a little Cold"
- "Oh, I'm sorry, you need to wait 7 days AFTER your most recent Cold symptom before donating blood"
Are you kidding me? Isn't that one of the first questions you should have asked me when I showed up? Isn't the common Cold a much more frequent occurrence than someone who spent 3 months in Tobago?
And then there is Sam who refused to donate blood because he didn't want to experience a decline in his hematocrit level. Had a big race on Saturday.
I'm not sure if I was more upset for being rejected or that fact that Sam didn't show up. A $10 bill would have bought some of Sam's blood and I would have walked outta there a much stronger cyclist.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
60 Minutes of Dirt
Back To My Roots
- The original PowerBar (peanut butter)
- King size Salted Nut Roll

At $1.89 a pop, the PowerBar is not ideal. The Nut Roll is always on sale at the price of 2 for $1. Seriously, have you ever seen these things at normal price? Every grocery store or gas station has the same promo...2 for a $1.
Plain water to wash it down or some of Brad's CarboRocket. It's pretty much the only energy drink I can stomach.
Soup or V8 work well but only if you have someone crewing for you. Otherwise, too hard to pack around.
Some day my body will reject the Nut Roll too and THAT will be a very say day.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday Bike Practice
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fun Facts
THAT is my question.
Cuz I've gotta tell you, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. It's only been 1 hour 40 min. but I'm about to cave.
I guess I should be grateful I don't work where Dug works.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fall Moab Fiscal Year 2009
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Inbox
Ben: As of 10AM there was 2 feet at Alta and still snowing hard. I’m predicting 3ft by morning.
We should meet at the mouth of LCC at 5AM.
Any takers?
Me: I’m very interested in that. I can’t be out too long but could at least get a lap or two in.
Ben: I just remembered I can’t make it out tomorrow. I’m supposed to give a presentation at a Junior High in American Fork for their career day and need to be there by 8AM. Lame.
Me: I hate you.
It was a sick joke. Sick and wrong. Nobody should have to go through that kind of abuse.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Canadian Maple
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Work & Play
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Night Scene
Sure it's colder riding at night. And the preditors are out hunting for food but there are more pros than cons.
- No crowds which means you can let it rip on the downhill
- No meetings to get back to
- No kids waiting to be picked up
- No penalty for getting back late (by the way, always blame it on a "mechanical" if you need an excuse. Don't get specific).
- Breakfast tastes much better at 1am
Meet at the EQ at 9pm Wed night. See you there.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Week Off
I can already feel myself getting grumpy.
I plan to eat a maple bar each day I don't ride as a way to keep my mind off it. Speaking of maple bars. Has anyone seen those "Cougar-Tails" they sell at the BYU games? An 18" maple bar. I want one.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Almost Ready

click to see larger image
Things are in motion with the 29er Singlespeed jersery. Let me know if you want one and what size you need. I've already placed the initial order with the MFG and will have a limited number of jerseys. I expect to have these mid Novemeber.
These are being made by a well know company so the quality and fit will be good.
Friday, October 10, 2008
UFO Sightings in Draper
Even after the group rolled out from the parking lot, more riders would appear at the stops. At one point Justin (who didn't start with us) hacked his way through the bushes at the bottom of Clark's to move up to the front of the pack. I've never seen anything like it. A train of lights rolling through the scrub oak and singletrack. The Draper residents must have been concerned and confused.
We had riders come from as far south as Spanish Fork and as far North as Sugarhouse. Brad K. even made an appearance.
My plan was to stay near the front of the pack. I've seen too many documentaries about cougar attacks at night. I was not going to be the cougar bait.
I didn't hear about any major mechanicals or animal attacks. The ride was a great success and ended with breakfast for some at the Village Inn.
I'll try to round up some pictures and add them as I get them.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bailout good for bikers
"Transportation fringe benefit to bicycle commuters: The measure would allow employers to provide benefits to employees who commute to work via bicycle, such as help purchasing and maintaining a bicycle. The measure would cost taxpayers $10 million."
Time to resubmit my proposal to HR again and see if they want to reconsider.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Things You Should Know About Fruita
- Fruita gets 9" of rain per year. 8.9" of it falls whenever I am there.
- The dirt in Rabbit Valley is not dirt. It's clay.
- The Holiday Inn Express in Grand Junction has a hose in the back. This seems like a silly stat but trust me. It is an important one (stay away from the maintenance guy)
- The best post ride grub is at The Hot Tomato. Get the blue cheese dressing.
- Be sure the pack an extra bottom bracket if Jon L. is coming along
- A movie in Fruita is $9.00
- Bring your calculator. Fruita works off a grid system and they like to use fractions to name roads. 18 & 7/8 road, or 19 & 1/3 road. Crazy.
- If your ride a singlespeed, a 34 x 20 is the perfect gear ratio
- It's true what they say. Fruita is all about the singletrack.
I highly recommend it. I like it better than Moab and it's only a 4 hour drive from SLC. I can't think of a better way to unwind from a stressful end of quarter work week.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
End of Quarter Blues
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's Not Just The Tax Benefits
Without kids I would have never discovered the wet wipes. I am forever hooked.
Changing the subject....Mueller Park in Bountiful is one of the best night rides around. Very long climb which means a very long donwhill. All single track in the thick trees. And they have a Denny's that stays open all night about 3 miles from the trail head.
French Toast Slam with eggs over medium. Mmmmm.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Mistress
check out the orange Chris King hubs
My new singlespeed is built up. Thanks to the Revolution team for their help!
I wanted to wait until I got it a little dirty before I posted a pic. Kind of like when I was a kid with new white tennis shoes. I was always embarrassed to wear them until they had some dirt and scuff marks on them.
It has exactly one ride on it. Enough to know I that I really, really like it. Something about the Niner geometry that just feels right. I'm running a 34x20 for the rest of the season but might go back to the 32x20 eventually.
I met Tony, Jon, and Trent yesterday after work to test it out. The ideal testing grounds needed to include both the Jacob's downhill and the Clark's climb. We went up and down Jacobs, down Ghost, up the new rock/stair section, and then up Clarks.
It's light and fast. Enough said.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I messed up
Friday, September 19, 2008
Good Times
One day during lunch, I was driving back to work in my new car with an ice cold Coke in my lap. Totally zoned out and listening to music. All of a sudden, I was blinded by a flash of light. One of those automatic speed limit machines had just tagged me speeding and it took my picture.
Several weeks later, I got a letter in the mail which included a ticket and a photo of me. I wish I could find that picture. It's the funniest thing. I had a huge smile on my face. Just happy to be alive with my Coke, music, and new car. Totally clueless that I was about to get a speeding ticket.
Last night, I loaded up the truck with my MTB and gear and had set off to meet the group for a night ride up AF canyon. I didn't have a Coke (although, I'm back on the DC wagon), I was listenting to some tunes, and feeling good. Totatlly clueless that I was about to get a speeding ticket. As I came down the south side of Suncrest, I was clocked doing 58 MPH in a 40 zone. Yep. I got a ticket.
I didn't get mad. How could I? I was about to spend the next 3 hours riding my bike at night on some of the best single track in the World.
Since I have a "biking slush fund account" and since this was on my way to a ride, It means I'll be cutting a check to the city of Highland instead of getting that nice new carbon bar.
Note: I took a shower when I got home this time.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Dirty Secret
I made it back home by 11:30ish. I was pretty tired and didn't feel much like a shower. So I rinsed off my bald head in the sink to rid myself of the helmet stink and then threw on some pajama bottoms (to keep the dirt from getting on the sheets), and crawled into bed.
I don't know if Rachelle notices when I skip the shower and go straight to bed but we are one of those couples who have sides. So really, it shouldn't matter to her. If I'm fine with sleeping in my own filth. The extra 10 min of sleep is worth it.
Update: Still not a drop of Diet Coke but I have a feeling this weekend will change things. I don't want to live past the age of 70 anyway.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Status Report
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cold Turkey
May your thoughts and prayers be with me as I go through this difficult time in my life. I hope to see you on the other side. Maybe we can share stories over a nice tall glass of chocolate milk.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
New Bike

Friday, September 5, 2008
Jamie's Nap
Jamie needs to learn how to clear away the bushes before he naps. When he awoke, he was covered in thorns and in the worst possible spot. Especially before a 20 minute downhill.
Photo taken by Dug
He pleaded with the group (Dug, Tony, Sam, Jon L., Brad P., and me) to help pull these out, but we weren't about to fall for his trick.
We celebrated the success of the ride with some breakfast at Village Inn. We all ordered large quantities of food except for Brad P. (the only Pro rider in the group). Brad kept it to a slice of pie and a cup of hot chocolate. I guess that's why Brad is the Pro.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Cycling- The New Golf Part II
What do you do when that happens?
Would it be acceptable to go get my mountain bike from my truck and roll over to his cube and start practicing my track stand? No. It would not be appropriate. So why do golfers feel like it's acceptable to start swinging?
I hate golf. HATE it.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Riding Stealth Mode
Whenever I try to say (in my still small voice), "On your left" or "when you get a chance, I'm coming around" the rider usually experiences a violent, full body shake, followed immediately by a hot flash and almost crashes. It happens all the time. The rider has no clue I am coming up behind them and no matter how much noise I try to make to alert them of my presence, they never hear it. It's not until I actually say something that they hear me.
Is it my voice? Do I sound like a serial killer?
The thing is. I kind of look forward to seeing the reaction. It's funny as hell. It's like watching someone who thinks they are about to die.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bikes and Pillows
I don't really care for pillows. I once spent 2 years on an island in the carribean and for the first six months, I used my towel as a pillow. You get my point.
I like to mix it up and get a different bike every couple of years. Keep it fresh. I'm in the process of selling my geared mtn bike and my Rig so I can take the proceeds and get a nice new single speed (Note to bike MFG's: I am currently accepting offers). If I've done my math, I should have enough to put into the new bike and walk away with some change.
Here's the thing. When I buy a bike, it requires me to sell a bike (in this case, two bikes) to pay for it.
When we (and by we I mean my wife) decides we need new pillows, we go get new pillows without selling the old ones. We probably have a few hundred dollars worth of pillows that we don't use. That's a nice wheel set.
Things are about to change. Ebay is about to get some new listings for some really nice, gently used pillows.
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Friday At Work
We dared a guy from work to try and eat 2 "Take 10" cheeseburgers (that's 10 patties w/ cheese each for a total of 20 patties) and drink a gallon of milk in an hour and keep it down for an hour.
The Payoff:
Does he make it?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Dirt Bag
I like that rule. It's a good rule. I usually respect that rule. But on the days when I commute in by bike, that rule seems a little silly.
This morning, the blueberry muffin tops looked too good to pass up. So I took one and ate in while hunched over in my cube. I disposed of the wrapper by placing it in the trash can in the empty cube next to mine.
One more reason I really do like my job. I can be a dirt bag cyclist and eat free food.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Story Problem
Notes: The wife is on her way to the gym and is wearing her work out top which looks really really good. The daughter is only 2 but already understands the significance of cycling.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
FC at Leadville

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Post Ride Goodness

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Leadville 2008
I brought home another Leadville 100 buckle but it wasn't the big one. My 2nd attempt at a sub 9 didn't go well. I finished the race in 9:21:11. About 10 min faster than last year but still shy of the sub 9.