Walking around in lycra shorts and jersey just isn't awkward enough any more. Time to take it one step further.
I can't wait to see what the construction works at the local Chevron think of it when I debut it this Fall.
Pros: No snags when mounting/dismounting the bike, no need to adjust the jersey, stretchy, style points.
Cons: no pockets, no way to hide any extra lbs.

A free pair of Fly socks (when they arrive) to the first person to correctly identify the racer in this pic.
The ever fast Kyle.
Good luck with the suit.
there are a few large plaid skinsuits available, or so I hear.
Is wedgie listed as a pro or con?
Brandon- Yep. Fast Kyle. Socks coming your way.
Bob- I'm not worthy (fast enough)
KK- I don't plan on raising my arms above my head.
Will the skinsuit be brown and pink? I'd wear that for sure.
Brad- I'd like to do a FLY skinsuit but i want to see what the initial kits look like first. Maybe.
You should wear a swimming cap instead of a helmet. That would look SICK!
My face never looked so good. :)
Check out this vid.
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