Sure it takes up one of the water bottle cages but water is heavy and over rated.

It doesn't look pretty but it works great and can also be a great garbage can for your empty Gu packs.
I've been riding with this set up for a while now and take some crap from my friends every now and then but I think it's catching on.
I saw this pic from the Belgium Knee Warmers site as they get ready for the Tour of California Prologue today.
Excellent idea! And for those obsessed with aerodynamics, it works on that level too by reducing drag from the bulk that would normally be on your back sticking out into the wind. Besides, I hate putting stuff into pockets too. It is one of the annoying things about road biking.
Now, if you could make it so that water could be in the top half of the bottle and storage on the bottom half, you could have the ultimate water/storage bottle - like a GEL BOT (just kidding!).
mtb w
Just as you saw Kenny using it, I saw you using it and now I use it too...........It is a great setup!
You guys need the cage rocket ( Since it has a lid it works on the MTB as well.
Andy- thanks for the link. Actually pretty cool. Although a usually throw my phone in a ziploc bag. Or ride with Dug cuz Dug always has his phone.
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