I'm a big fan of the mixed kit. A jersey should never match the shorts (unless it's a race).
Anyone who rides with a full team kit is a massive carrot for all other riders. And anyone who has been a carrot knows how much that sucks. It can turn a casual training ride into a lung busting, blood coming out of the ears, kind of a ride.
Catching someone with a full team kit can put a smile on your face for days. Only slightly less satisfying is catching someone with baggy shorts and knee socks.

yeah, look how hard sleepy is trying to catch me. we're like the tortoise and the tortoise.
I was told it was a Britney Spears look alike contest. Apparently we were the only ones to get the memo.
I predict everyone will be wearing knee-hi's by the end of the season
Knee highs and really thick, heavy, wool knickers. Like old school golfers.
As we all know, black is the fastest color. And white is even faster. So I'm predicting white knee-highs by season's end.
With regard to the baggies, some of us aren't fast enough not to wear them.
It is reasons as mentioned that I will never get so good as to be sponsored or ride a race. I don't need the pressure of being so good that people want to try and catch me. *right...
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