View a larger pic here: This picture (ripped from Grizzly) sums it all up. If you're a guy and you are looking at this picture and you don't get a little uneasy, something is wrong with you. There is a lot that can go wrong here.
The blog of Rick Sunderlage (Not my real name)
It's a leap of faith.
Natural selection takes many forms.
(My word verification was "sycle")
Maybe cups should be required gear, like helmets!
How many kids do you need?
Would the remount be easier the colder the weather?
I had to look away everytime Tom remounted. He had the superman take off and landing going and I was sure it wasn't going to end well. Art was using the traditional land on the inner thigh approach. See how his knee is higher and his hips are rotated and lower. From that position, you just slide onto the saddle. Much safer and faster. Watch and learn young grasshopper.
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