34 x 20 = back pain.
Heading to the chiro today for some adjustments. The riding in Palm Desert was steep. I may have pushed a little too hard up some of those grunts. Or maybe it was the 10 hours non-stop in the car?
The blog of Rick Sunderlage (Not my real name)
VH 1, you readin' this?
This is the ultimate price of pushing a huge gear, your body starts to revolt. Then you get to make an appointment with some quasi/pseudo doctor wanna be to snap your spine.
Pop doesn't sound horrifying, but snap and crackle I don't want to hear coming from my body.
I will keep my 32x22.
You neglected to mention the donkey punches you received.
tp- you bring up a great point. That's probably it.
They sell Midol and Pamprin over at Walgreen's.
Never gets old!
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