But all things must come to an end. This morning I met Tony, Jon, Dave, Scott and Ryan for a ride up the Alpine Loop and into work. I was the only one wearing a pack. To make things as light as possible, I packed flip flops and a small hand towel instead of shoes and a normal size towel. It didn't seem to help. I almost pulled over to see if Seth (my 6 year old) had crawled into my pack before I left the house. It felt very heavy.
My legs must still be in Leadville somewhere cuz they aren't with me. I felt like I was riding with both front and back brakes on.
After a shower and a few sent emails, Dave and I borrowed a car and hit the local Kneaders for some all you can eat French Toast and a Diet Coke. Their French Toast comes with amazing syrup AND real whipped cream and strawberries. Highly recommended but you might want to ride 40 miles and climb 3,500 vertical before you eat it.

I'm feeling much better but still have the ride home to worry about.
so the real question is, are you still at 161?
Ahh...but the ride home will soon be blessed with a Kneaders along SR92. All you can eat French Toast as a mid-ride snack?...You'll never eat a Gu again.
Dug- Yesterday I hit an all time low for 2008....160 lbs. It won't last.
Rob- When that Kneaders goes in, I'll probably struggle to stay below 200.
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