Home Court-
Hard to believe this trail is within 30 seconds of my garage door. Instead of naming it "Clark's" they should have named it "Sweet Sweetness"...It's that good.
About 2 years ago, the good folks who manage the Draper trails decided to do it right and put in miles and miles of cool single track. This is just one of many new trails. It seems like every time I get out, Isee new single track being cut. I have no problem paying my taxes when I see it put to good use (like adding more mtb trails).
I can now ride from my Mother-in-Law's house, to my house, to my Bro-in-Law's house, to my other Bro-in-Law's house to my twin brothers house almost exclusivley on single track dirt.

I work in Orem at the base of Provo Canyon. In the late Spring, Summer, and early fall, I can ride Suncrest to the Alpine Loop into work on my road bike. The commute takes just over 2 hours.
Yesterday, while at work, I decided I needed to blow off some end of QTR steam and jumped on my mountain bike at 3:30, rode 2 minutes to the BST trail head and rode some nice single track dirt for about 1.5 hours. There is a network of trails that is really good. One especially- Frank (or is it Franks?). Named after Frank's bike shop in Provo. This trail was created by Dug and his friends back when they worked at Novell. Starts in Orem, climbs up above the Provo race course, and cuts over the mountain into to Dry Canyon. It's a nice loop that has some steep sections and fast downhill. I rolled back into the parking lot about 5:15pm, thew on my work clothes and made a "walk through" into the office. Nobody even knew I was gone. I just spent the last 2 hours on my bike and finished the day getting caught up on some emails and then off to my son's soccer game.
There is no better place to live work in the World.
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