These are my new MTB shoes. There are many like them but this pair is mine. These shoes are my best friend. They are my life. I must master them as I master my life. Without me, my shoes are useless. Without my shoes I am useless... (can you name that movie?)
I can no longer make a face when Rachelle brings home a new pair of shoes. I'm starting to collect a pile of my own in the garage. But my collection was lacking a pair of patent black leather for those special days.
I could probably get away with wearing these with my suit on Sunday, or with my fancy jeans for a night on the town (I made that part up....I don't own fancy jeans) but they go best with my lycra shorts.
I can no longer make a face when Rachelle brings home a new pair of shoes. I'm starting to collect a pile of my own in the garage. But my collection was lacking a pair of patent black leather for those special days.
I could probably get away with wearing these with my suit on Sunday, or with my fancy jeans for a night on the town (I made that part up....I don't own fancy jeans) but they go best with my lycra shorts.

Mounted up with a fresh pair of Time ATAC cleats, these shoes are ready. Now I just need to find some dirt to ride on.
The jeep trail in Corner Canyon looks like it might be rideable. Anyone have a trail report they want to share?