Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I love to sleep.  I hate the mornings.  Yet, I will gladly get up at 4:45AM, in the dark, freezing cold, and go climb a mountain and ski it before going to work.  I can't explain it.  It's the only thing that will get me out of bed that early.  

I'm glad I have friends that feel the same way.

Steve W. and me working our way through the trees before the sunrise.  Dug has some binding issues but pushed through it and met us at the top. 
Photo credit: Rob S.  


bjchild said...

where was the photo taken from?

Rick Sunderlage said...

Mill D in BCC. A shot called "Short Swing"

Dave said...

very cool Rick.

South County Ciclista said...

Nice photo. I would agree the early morning sunrises off the top of mountains are very cool. But you know early morning single track in South Utah County can yield a similar feeling.

Scott said...

How was stability? Did you do anything more than sort swing?

Jonnie J said...

I know we hardly consider ourselves friends anymore....but I want in on this.

Rick Sunderlage said...

JJ- That's crazy talk. BFF, right?
There is talk of a Friday tour. I'll keep you posted.