Monday, June 30, 2008
This morning, I was driving into work, coming down the north side ot Suncrest. I had my Gary Fisher in the back of my truck. I got clocked going 58 MPH in a 40 zone (If you're going to speed, enjoy it). The cop pulled me over and asked for my documents. He had a partner with him. A young guy. Must have been a trainee or something. After several minutes of waiting while the ridiculous lights kept flashing (Why do they do that?), the partner/trainee guy walked up to my window and said "We are going to give you a warning today....You've got a mountain bike with one gear in the back of your truck. That single speed is bad ass".
And that was it. He turned and walked away. I can only guess that the younger cop was a cyclist.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The "6"

Friday, June 27, 2008
I get up at 5:30am all year long and climb mountains on my bike or skis. Yet when I need to climb a set of stairs, I am usually a somewhat breathless for a few seconds.
Could it be the maple bars that causes this?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Lacking Something
Or maybe it's my bike. Maybe I need to throw a rigid fork on it. Or ride my single speed. I've got to do something different than last year. Just not sure what it is I'm lacking.
If Leadville were a 20 mile race, I'd be set. But it's not. it's 100 miles. I've only ridden 100 miles once so far this year. Most of my rides have been pre-work or lunch rides. 1.5 - 2 hours average.
Not good.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saving Money

Friday, June 20, 2008
You know you want one...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Recovery Food
clicky make biggy

After today's early morning ride up the Alpine Loop and then into work, a few of us borrowed a car from a friend at the office and hit the local McDonalds for some post ride recovery food.
It was here that Jon introduced me to the Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGriddle.
How they get the syrup in the muffin is beyond me. Probably best that I don't know but there is syrup in that muffin top.
Combine it with the killer McDonalds Diet Coke mix and it's a slice of heaven.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Clarks TT Update
- 9:49 - Todd Neumarker - June 17, 2008
- 10:02 - Brad Keyes - June 17, 2008
- 10:23 - Jamie Pogue - June 16, 2008
- 10:38 - Brad Pilling - May 20, 2008
- 10:57 - Rick Sunderlage - May 19, 2008
- 11:11 - Steve Hales - June 15, 2008
- 11:12 - Joe Gardner - June 11, 2008
- 11:29 - Jon James - June 10, 2008
- 11:38 - Karl Vizmeg - June 10, 2008
- 11:59 - Scott Wetzel - May 30, 2008
- 12:00 - Aaron Smith - May 17, 2008
- 13:41 - Eric Riessen - June 11, 2008
- 14:08 - Mark Nielson - May 8, 2008
- 14:17 - Jason Gardner - June 12, 2008
- 14:38 - Eric Gaoiran aka "Sleepy" - May 16, 2008
- 15:50 - Kris Nosack - May 6, 2008
- 12:58 - Whitney Pogue - June 10, 2008
- 16:10 - Tasha Keyes - June 8, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Testing My New Cycling Toy
I'm a minimalist when it comes to cycling. No GPS, no heart rate monitor, no bike computer. And I only wear gloves when its cold outside. But I've always wanted something small and easy to pack on my rides to take pics or video. So many weird and funny things happen on rides but rarely get captured on film.
My wife and kids bought me a Flip Video for Fathers Day. The perfect gift for a cyclist. It's tiny. About as big as my Blackberry Pearl. It can record up to an hour of video with a 4 hour charge.
This morning, I tried it out on a test ride up AF Canyon with Dug, Elden and Karl. I was hoping to see the bearded woman or the moose that almost killed Dug. Nothing exciting happended on today's ride but I was prepared in case it did.
Check out the video clip of Fatty climbing up AF. The background is amazing. One of the best road rides around.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Leadville Training
My Leadville training last year lacked some of the intense efforts only race pace can offer. As much as I hate the pre-race jitters and the painful effort during a race, I'm forcing myself to do more of them this year.
Last night was the Sundance race and the weather was finally dry and cool. Perfect for riding.
The local scene is stacked with some very fast riders. And it seems like the same core people are always there.
I raced the Rig with the Expert "B" group. Along with Brad, Aaron, Cori, Adam and many others. Jon raced Sport and dominated (time to move up Jon).
Actually I'm not sure if Brad even raced. He was at the start line but that was the last time I saw him. He was out of sight within seconds. I think he may have taken 1st and probably beat several of the "A" group riders. He is on fire this year.
That paved road is a brutal way to start a race. Everyone knows that it's really hard to pass once on the single track so most everyone redlines it on that steep road at the start to get a good position. It can cook your legs before the climbing even starts.
I snuck in just behind another SS rider as we hit the dirt and quickly setteled into a good hard pace for lap 1. We caught a few other riders and managed to make the pass on the tight course. The entire first lap I was looking over my shoulder waiting for Aaron or Adam to catch. I would catch a glimpse of Aarons yellow Paragon during some of the switchbacks. I knew he would be faster on the donwhill so I tried to maintain as much of a gap on the climb as possible.
About half way down lap 1, Aaron was one rider behind me and closing. As we hit the paved road again and stated the 2nd lap, I tried to gas it but didn't have much in the tank. About half way up the 2nd lap, I found my second wind and was able to pick up the pace and not get caught.
Aaron made up significant time on the downhill and was only 50 yards back (see him in this pic chasing). If the course had been 1/4 mile longer I would have been caught. I think I came in mid pack but need to see the final results when they are posted.
(Thanks Kanyon Kris for taking the photo)
Part 2
I woke up this morning and met Dave B (from work) at the top of Suncrest for an early morning commute via the Alpine Loop. My legs were sore from last night and the AF canyon climb didn't help them feel any better.
Coming down past Sundance in the shade was brutal. Very cold. I thought Dave was going to lose a finger or two. He didn't have the right gloves.
Just over 2 hours of riding with one nasty climb and I still have to ride home.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wed Night Racing

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Deer Valley ICUP Race Report

As I came through the finish, I was in 3rd place. Things would have been different if Jamie showed up but I'll take it.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Too Many Options
1) Draper Days Road Race
2) Draper Days MTB Race
3) Deer Valley ICUP MTB Race
4) Long group ride up AF/Cascade with some of the core team
5) Frank/Crank/Dry MTB loop in the UC.
I can't decided. Leadville is only 2 months away. I really need some long rides but I want some redemption from the mid pack finish during the Draper race.
Too many options. I'm all flustered.
I think this video captures the race scene in a cool way. Check out the kid playing air guitar at the 3:35 mark. Kind of makes me want to go to Deer Valley tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Fancy Glasses

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
No Respect for Bikers
When I saw the email go out from HR, buying a new hybrid car didn't even cross my mind. Instead, I immediately starting thinking of what kind of bike I could get for $2,000. A SS road bike? A fixie? or sell my current road bike & use the $2k to get something really really nice.
I was confident that if I could prove that I am actually commuting via bike the 20 miles each way a couple days per week, I would have no problem getting my fair share of the cash.
I got my rejection email from HR this morning saying that "cycling" does not qualify for the bonus.
Lame. Some day people will catch on. Cycling to work should be the first thing that qualifies for such a bonus.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Sprint
There is a guard station at the bottom of the AF Canyon entrance. That is the sprint finish line. Any time we climb AF, it is understood that there will be a sprint on the downhill. No need to talk about it. It's just the way it is. It's the way that canyon was meant to be ridden. And the guard station is the perfect finish line. Usually there are several cars and one or two park rangers in the shack so there is always an audience. Someone who could, if needed, resolve any dispute as to who won the sprint.
The sprint is an art. Go too early and you will burn up. Go too late and you lose the line. Everyone usually takes turns pulling on the downhill and there is usually conversation among the group. But at right about the Timp Cave parking lot, the ride turns serious. That's when people start looking around. Watching the shadows on the road. Listening for any gear changes.
This morning, before work, Dug, Elden, and I climbed up AF to Pine Hollow. Elden was on his SS road bike. As we climbed, I mentioned to Elden that just because he was on his SS, the sprint was still on. When you have too many bikes, you run the risk of bringing the wrong bike on the ride. Elden was not to be a contender in today's sprint (but it still counts on his record). This morning would be the first sprint of the year for me. And Dug, the defending champ ,was on the ride. I couldn't wait.
After reaching Pine Hollow, we took in the view and chated for a few minutes and then it was business time (no, not that kind of business....the other kind).
We stayed together all the way past the cave parking lot. I couldn't believe Elden was still with us. No gears and he was right there. I started to think he might have a shot at the sprint. Dug and I took a few pulls at the front and we got within mile marker 9. The guard station was close. I looked back and noticed a car coming down the canyon. I decided to put the hammer down before the car interfered with the sprint. Dug was right on my wheel, I let up a little and he came around. After a few seconds, I tried to slingshot past him and went for it.
I managed to put a little gap between us but not enought to lose him. He was on my wheel and the guard station was in sight. Head down and mashing my pedals, I almost went off the road. It would come down to the final 10 feet and dug half wheeled me for the win.
I think the sprint takes more effort than the entire climb up AF. We would pay for it as we climbed back up Suncrest.
Good morning despite starting off the 2008 season one down to Dug.